BerandaBahasa InggrisPerbedaan "Get Used To", "Used To" & "Be Used To"

Perbedaan “Get Used To”, “Used To” & “Be Used To”

Bahasa Inggris – Sebagai pelajar bahasa Inggris sudah tahukah anda perbedaan antara “get used to”, “Used To” dan “(to be: am, is, are) used to”? Ketiga frasa ini memiliki kesamaan yakni menggunakan “used” dan “to”  dan pemakaian masing-masing frasa itu terikat dengan masa dan keadaan sehingga tidak bisa digunakan sembarangan.

Untuk lebih jelasnya mari bersama kita selami perbedaan dari ketiga frasa ini agar sepenuhnya paham maksudnya, sehingga anda nantinya dapat menggunakan masing-masing frasa itu dengan tepat.

Contoh penggunaan

1. Used to: I used to wear pajama to sleep when I was a boy..
2. To be used to: You have been living in Jakarta for years, of course you are used to the traffic jams there, right?.
3. Get used to: To be a good student, I get used to follow all the rules.

Secara gramer

Penggunaan ketiganya menurut gramer adalah sebagai berikut.

Penggunaan “get used to”

Get used to adalah usaha yang dilakukan sesorang agar ia terbiasa terhadap sesuatu aktivitas atau kondisi tertentu.

It took him 2 years to get used to living in the big city after moving from a small village. (Butuh 2 tahun baginya agar terbiasa hidup di kota besar setelah pindah dari desa kecil)

Now they get used to the crowded traffic. They found it really stressful when they first moved to Jakarta.

I get used to wake up early every day, because I need to take my daughters to school.

Penggunaan “used to”

Used to untuk menjelaskan kebiasaan sesorang di masa lalu namun kebiasaan itu sudah tidak lagi menjadi kebiasaan di masa sekarang.

Positif (+)S + used to + infinitive
Negatif (-)S + did not + use to + infinitive
Tanya (?)Did + S + use to + infinitive?


(+) He used to take a bus to school, but now he uses motorcycle. (Dulu dia biasa menggunakan bis ke sekolah. Sekarang ia menggunakan motor)

(-) He didn’t use to take a bus to school

(?) Did he use to take a bus to school?

(+) They used to sleep early at night, however they are night owls now.

(-) They didn’t use to sleep early at night.

(?) Did they use to sleep early at night?

(+) Ricky and Johny used to be good friends, but they’ve fallen out recently.

(-) Ricky and Johny didn’t used to be good friends

(?) Did Ricky and Johny use to be good friends?

Penggunaan “be used to”

To be adalah: are, is dan am, dan ketiganya untuk pemakaian be used to. Dan pemakaian be used to menjelaskan kondisi “terbiasa dengan” atau “sudah akrab dengan” suatu kondisi atau aktivitas.

Positif (+)S + be + used to + noun/gerund
Negatif (-)S + be + not + used to + noun/gerund
Tanya (?)Be + S + used to + noun/gerund?

Contoh dalam kalimat.

(+) You were used to talk about biology because it’s your field.

(-) You were not used to talk about biology because it’s your field.

(?) Were you used to talk about biology?

(+) Rini is used to drink a glass of milk and a sandwich for breakfast.

(-) Rini is not used to drink a glass of milk and a sandwich for breakfast.

(?) Is Rini used to drink a glass of milk and a sandwich for breakfast?

(+) He is used to the culture and the food of the new place

(-) He is not used to the culture and the food of the new place

(?) Is he used to the culture and the food of the new place?

Untuk be used to dan get used to selalu ada kata benda (noun), kata ganti (pronoun), atau kata kerja + ing, dan berlaku untuk present, past dan future.



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